Promotional Media Appearances

It's kind weird to think of this little website getting any kind of print / television / movie attention whatsoever, but as odd as it seems - we've gotten all three. Maybe it wasn't in the most-known places, but hey - promotion is promotion and we'll take all we can get (not many people know it, but we were this close to getting the name printed in Rolling Stone!) Most of our outside promotion was the accomplishment of our dedicated fans, and they definetely deserve a shout-out right here.

Rapid T. Rabbit & Friends (2006)

Richard, the creator of Rapid T. Rabbit, along with Jenn playing the part of Looney Bird, got the logo shown on the cable TV show "Rapid T. Rabbit and Friends" which broadcasts over the Manhattan Neighborhood Network in New York City. Not only is our logo as prominant as ever, but they mention how they're broadcasting out of the " Press Facility". Wonderful half-hour promotion that I'm always tickled to watch. You can watch the whole video here!!

"Behind the Music" (2008)

Michael (Menutia) got the logo some nice TV time in a spot that aired in the Chicago-land area titled "Behind the Music - the Rock-afire Explosion". It was included in a larger segment about local people and their odd-collections. I really gotta give Menutia some mad-props for this one, as he went out of his way to print out a special "" logo to place in the background of his shot. He also got our famous Travel Chuck some airtime! You can watch the entire clip here!

The Rock-afire Explosion (2009) also got some screen-time and mention in "The Rock-afire Explosion" documentary film which has been touring the film festival circuit and will soon be available on DVD. For those who haven't seen it yet, this really is a great film and shows the Rock-afire Explosion's story through the lives of its biggest fans. This film has gotten a lot of press and buzz (even appearing on "Last Call with Carson Daly"). It has also gotten's webmaster his very 1st IMDB entry which is made of awesome. You can order your DVD copy of the film here!

Wired Online (2008)

The sudden resurgance of the Rock-afire Explosion in pop-culture brought on a wave of new interest from media outlets of all kinds. One of those sources was Wired magazine's online edition which had's name printed and a link to the website in the middle of the article. You can read the "Animatronic Band Moves From Pizza Parlors to YouTube" article here!