Top 10 Reasons Why Chewbacca Is So Awsome!!!!
1.) He loves to eat Cheese, and he absolutely HATES green olives with that freaky red stuffing. That stuff freaks me out too.
2.) He never shaves. He tried it once and realized that underneath all that fur he had no genetalia. He cried for days.
3.) Chewy-Breath. He has this breath that'll put babies to sleep (permanently!)
4.) He never punches old ladies, well except for that one. But she deserved it.
5.) He's deadly with a yo-yo. Nobody in the Star Wars universe can match his yo-yo marksmanship. If you ever see him playing with one - consider yourself dead.
6.) He doesn't wear sunglasses because he has no eyes. And then .... oh wait, he does have eyes huh? Nevermind... next.....
7.) He's a master Historian of classical music. So don't ever get him talking about Beethoven - He'll never shut up.
8.) He invented Pop-Tarts (probably.)
9.) His nickname in college was "The Dancing Wookie". Chewbacca can bust a move right up there with the best of them. In fact, it's been rumored that Chewy taught M.C. Hammer everything he knows.
10.) He wears that Bandolier Strap thingie, wich is SOOOO cool. People think that he stores ammunition in it, but he really uses it to carry croutons in. It really makes it convienient when he goes to city park to feed all the ducks.

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