Top 10 Reasons Why Billy Bob Hates Wal-Mart
1.) They never have the new Star Wars Toys.
2.)They have those little freaky smiley faces up and down the aisles. (I swear one of them tried to bite me once!)
3.) Everytime I buy Britney Spears dolls they look at me like I'm some sort of reject who plays with toys made for little girls. Idiots.
4.) They announce it over the intercom everytime someone takes a package from layaway or the Electronics Department. That way the security cameras can watch you leave so they don't think you're stealing it.
5.) They don't have anything worth stealing anyway.
6.) Their name rhymes with Wal-Fart. Wait, that's actually pretty cool. Forget that I said anything.....
7.) My Ex-girlfriend works there, and she sucks. She only adds to the overall suckiness.
8.) They BUY American but for some strange reason only SELL cheap crap made in Taiwan. Hmmmm.....
9.) All of the CD's there have to cuss words edited out.
10.) Their prices are so low that they force me to shop there. (Which makes me hate them more.) One of these days I'll have enough money to shop elsewhere.

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