Let Joe Thumbs Help You!

Joe Thumbs has been helping people help themselves since 2002 and his brand new book "Cheer Up, Stupid!" is sure to help many more. In this new 17-page book, Thumbs explains how to come to grips with and cure any of your psychological ills including depression, insomnia, lactose intolerance, anxiety, bi-polarity, cancer and much more! Already #412 on the hot books chart, this little book is climbing fast and will be a #1 seller in no time. Get your copy now.

Not convinced? Just listen to the testimony of these happy customers who will testify exactly how Joe Thumbs has changed their lives forever.

Before reading the works of Joe Thumbs, I was a depressed chain-smoker who would do nothing but sit around the house all day drinking and looking at dirty magazines. Thanks to Thumbs, I now read intellectual magazines such as Time, Toyfare, and Newsweek. No more smut for me!

I used to be paranoid of gremlins. I was afraid to go to the bathroom because of the toilet gremlins and even afraid to eat because of the food gremlins. Thumbs helped me to realize that the gremlins were in my head. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go cut off my head.

Nobody will believe this but I used to be a man. With the guidance of Joe Thumbs, I learned that I suffered from a checmical imbalance and he helped me to fix it. Now I am a thriving hot female and I never have to leave the house. All because of the awesome Mr. Thumbs!

I've always been a very happy guy with no worries whatsoever. I never thought that I could use the help of Mr. Thumbs. But after reading all 6 pages of his book Stop Touching Me I found that I'm even happier now. I love you Joe Thumbs!

Before the help of Joe Thumbs I was an ugly redneck with messed up teeth who couldn't find a date for any amount of money. Come to think of it... hey.. wait a sec..

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