ISSUE #11 - April, 2001
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Hey Everyone! New month, new Bulletin, new surprises. I've actually got quite a bit to talk about this month which is a nice change of pace. So I'll just jump right into it and refresh everyone with the recent events.

April Fools day. I hope that everyone enjoyed the "April Fools" websites I posted. In case you didn't get a chance to see them, there were 2 of them - VegaNova's Britney Spears Website and The Adventures of Billy Bob. Hopefully none of you think I'm a total freak now... my brother helped me out a little. Alot of the pages were old pages straight from our old "Character Asylum" site - a humorous website where my brother and I gave figments of out imagination their own personal webpages. These pages haven't been re-posted or seen since our Asylum was shut down last April. Man that was a really fun site to build, and I haven't done anything like it since. But I have wanted to and that's what gave me the idea for the April Fools gag. I'd been planning it for months but figured that I wouldn't be able to pull it off due to the recent Tripod outage.

As you may have noticed, most of this site is hosted on Tripod servers, which meant that their system glitch took out 4 of my accounts and knocked out a good 80% of this site. Thankfully the outage lasted only about 4 days. I was fearing the worst thinking that it might have been a targeted shutdown.

Collectable Of The Month
CEC Cup w/Madame Oink

Madame Oink Cup
  • This is a plastic CEC cup from the early 80s that has Madame Oink on it. Thanks to Sandie for submitting this great collectable!

I guess I'm still paranoid from my last cease and desist order. But although the crash wasn't long lived, it made for a good scenario. This website has become too large for the tiny space that free webhosting can provide. I need to get a server of my own, and all the work that I've done building this site up deserves for it to have a better (and more permanent) home.

Cool Picture
of the Month
Britney's Rolling Stone Cover
(graphically altered)

  • I did this a long time ago, and I always thought it was pretty convincing. If anyone missed the april fools thing, here's a pic from it.

I've looked into what it would take to set up a small server, and it appears like any idiot can do it - any idiot with some money that is. So I'm going to start a fund raiser as soon as I get the oppertunity to get everything put together. I'm going to be selling and auctioning off some SPP and CEC items and all the money I'm able to make will go straight to funding a server. So for those who want to help give this site a better home, I won't ask for any donations or anything absurd like that. But you can still help while adding to your SPP and CEC collections at the same time. I'll have a page setup with the details soon so keep checking back. The updates will be kinda sparce over the next few weeks while I get this put together, I want to know which updates you'd like me to make (pictures, info, CEC collectables, fan submitted stuff, etc.) Just email me and let me know, and I'll update whatever everyone would like me to.

Also there will be chat night scheduled for later this month on April 28th. This is the 2nd chat night we've held, and it will be in the same place as it was last time. Check the homepage for more details. The chat will be an informal get together for Showbiz and CEC fans to talk about stuff. We'd be grateful if you could make it - especially if you weren't able to make the last chat session last October. It was alot of fun even despite many people not being able to attend.

See You Next Month,
- VegaNova

Cool Website of the Month

Paula Abdul
  • This is a website that I was led to recently. The webmaster of this site is a fellow CEC fan who has helped me with some info and stuff recently. If you get a chance to visit it, you should check it out. He has quite a nice site built up!

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