ISSUE #43 - March/April, 2004
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Hello again everybody! I hope that everyone is having a good season, myself I'm looking forward to the warmer weather and summer vacations. Of course that's still quite a ways away but a little daydreaming never hurt anybody.

Well. Before I start I have to make an a retraction and public appology for the "articles" that were posted on the site earlier this month. Most of you know what I'm talking about, but if you don't then consider yourself lucky. From now on I'll need to scrutinize things more carefully before posting them and publicly embarassing myself. Thanks a lot "Dave" for nothing.

Alright, enough of that. Time for some actual news. It appears that Chuck E. Cheese's has joined the fAtkins revolution by introducing their new Low Carb Pizza. So now you can lose weight while sitting on your butt during your kid's birthday party. Forgive the commentary on this but I think the carb craze is a sham. Nothing against CEC for jumping in on it though because just about every other chain has done so since the weight-loss resolutions hit after new years.

Onto website news, we have some new renovations planned for ShowBiz Some older sections should be getting a facelift and updates soon. Of course these are still in the very early planning stages so don't hold your breath too tight but just be prepared for some new looking sections. :) Also looming on the horizon is Rock-a-Palooza 2004.

Collectable Of The Month
Rat Tales Comic

  • Here is a frame from a 1979 PTT comic. The full issue can be found in the Info Section under PTT Misc. Documents.

Cool Picture
of the Month
1980 Billy Bob

Billy Bob
  • Very nice photo of Billy Bob from an early version of the Rock-afire Explosion.

This year we're hoping to extend RAP for a whole week and also keep the site running as usual. No date has been set, but you won't want to miss it. I've been hoarding tons of stuff like some old miser hiding away his golden tokens. Most of which has been held back just for RAP '04. New issue of the Rock-afire Enquirer will debut which will be crazier than the first one. Plus much, much, much more. My fingers shudder at the thought of all the code hacking that lies ahead.

Well that's enough yappin outta me. I think that somehow I've already caused enough mayhem this month so I'm signing off for now. See ya'll again next month.

See ya soon!
- VegaNova

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