Frequently Asked Questions
How do I view the item in the University? Do I need special software?
All of our documents are in PDF format, which allows us to post an entire collection of papers (ie, a 30 page manual) as one single document. To view these, you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader which is already built into most of the desktop and mobile web browsers - simply click on the links and you'll be able to view the documents. If you don't have Acrobat Reader, you can download it here for free.
Can I save the files from the University?
Yes! Simply right click any of the links and select 'Save As' and you'll begin downloading the documents. We strongly stress that the files contained here are for educational use only. Please use them only for your own reference.Why can't I find JUST the CEC items, or ONLY the ShowBiz items?
Navigating through our archives might seem confusing at first, however the categories are divided up in the manner they are for a reason. The first division is by document type (company documents, promotional documents, news articles, etc). From there they are subdivided by the company from which they were printed, not necessarily which restaurant or characters they pertain to. For instance you'll find both Chuck E. Cheese's and ShowBiz Pizza items that were released by ShowBiz Pizza Time, Inc. (1985-1998) since both restaurants were operated by the same company following the merger.The reason they're sorted this way is to put the documents into the context of where the company(ies) were during the time period the documents were released. The goal of the University is to educate viewers about the entire ShowBiz / Chuck E. Cheese's concept, which at times is fairly intertwined.
Where are all the current CEC newsletters?
We understand fans who want to know about the latest info about Chuck E. Cheese's. We also understand how sensitive certain company materials can be. Our goal is to educate fans about the history behind these companies, however we also want to respect CEC's right to privacy, documents typically must meet two criteria before being posted to our University archives:#1 - The document is over 5 years old
#2 - The document does not contain overly sensitive material
I have a document that's not in the University, can I submit it?
Of course! We're always looking for new material. Please let us know what you have, and we'll figure out the best way of handling the submission. Please see our contact page for information on getting your documents to us!