My Drawings

These are some of the drawings that I've done since my career ended at ShowBiz Pizza. Anymore I don't have too much to do (you know, being unemployed and all) so I like to spend my time drawing pictures. Instead of writing complicated journals, I love to just kick back and draw to my hearts content. I'd like to share now with you some of my favorite drawings....

This drawing was to commemorate my last day at ShowBiz. Man, I really hated to leave that job you know? It was one of the hardest things that I've ever had to do. I would have stayed longer, but the new boss had some policemen with him to help escort me out the door. I didn't even get a goodbye party or anything. Being laid off is the pits. Life can be so cruel sometimes.

This drawing is of a kid that I met in Georgia. He seemed like a really nice kid, but he didn't even recognize who I was. It was pitiful, I mean I could understand it if he didn't know me, but did he have to throw that big rock at me. That thing was pointy! I still have an indentation in my fiberglass skull from this incident.

I can remember this day as if it was just last week.... wait, it was just last week. This was where I went back to work for a short while after ShowBiz was gone. The pay sucked, the boss was mean, and I truly hated the place with a passion. But then it mysteriously burned to the ground one day....

This is me and my pal Looney Bird. He and I are just the best of friends - always have been, always will be. This is us together on the day when he got the big call to become the mascot of a new restaurant chain. I was so happy for him! I just had to wrap my big loving arms around his tender bird-like neck to congratulate him.

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