Colander Head Conspiracy!

The Enquirer has gone back in time to uncover evidence relating to the Rock-afire Explosion's mystery of the Colander. What we have found is cryptic, disturbing, yet 100% factual. Make of it what you will. We cannot give any decisive conclusions, we can only present the evidence for you.

First a little background: Crazy Colander Head night was one of the most experimental and well remembered events in ShowBiz Pizza and Rock-afire Explosion history. It was not only a showtape, but a month long extravaganza filled with contests and prizes. They had special ground-breaking shows where employees could actually take an active part and interact with the Rock-afire, and there was even a newsletter called the Colander Gazette to give everyone the inside scoop.

The "point" of Crazy Colander Head night was to wear a decorated colander on your head in order to restore dignity to the colander which they claimed had been lost over the centuries. They had imaginary explanations for this of course, but the madness didn't stop there. They also boasted that wearing a colander would not only make one smarter, but prettier too. And in the unfortunate advent of an atomic bomb attack, they claimed the colander would help protect one from the dangers of nuclear fallout. It didn't stop there either. Employees were rallied by Creative Engineering and the Tropical Cleaners (musicians behind the Rock-afire band), to help get them pumped about the event. A special training tape known as the "1983 Save the Colander Telethon" was made to accomplish this task. Guests were prompted to join the ranks and be indoctrinated as "An official colander head" complete with membership card and 8X10 photo of their favorite character wearing their colander. If they wanted to collect the entire set of photos, they would have to attend ShowBiz every wednesday night that month. The long-term effects of taking in so much colander propaganda are only recently being uncovered.

The grand colander experiment was launched in 1983 but it's roots extend back even further. Fatz was the ringleader of the actual colander movement, and sources have claimed that Burt Wilson (voice of Fatz) started the whole ball rolling one day by jokingly putting a colander on his own head for a laugh. Perhaps, but one would be naive to whole-heartedly believe this claim. The intensity and long hours of dedicated labor that went into making Crazy Colander Head Night into a tangible reality seems a bit much to get a laugh. A joke can only be stretched so far afterall. It should be noted that the colander event came at a time when ShowBiz was in heavy competition with Chuck E. Cheese. As the 1983 Save the Colander promo video would show, colander night was an attempt to finally win out over CEC.

As if this entire event isn't weird enough to you yet, there's one last tidbit. Hidden in the middle of the 1982 LP "Gee Our 1st Album", there's a hidden sound clip. The clip is barely audible unless you crank up the volume. The clip has Beach Bear saying a cryptic, phrase of gibberish followed by Billy Bob asking what he just said. Yet in 1983 at the very end of the song "Strain Your Brain", Jeff Howell rattles off some giberish which comes close to phonetically matching that found in the hidden clip.

Nobody except those who masterminded this opperation know the truth behind it's origins and meanings. But one thing's for sure. Colander Head night was more than just a gag taken too far. There was a conspiracy behind it which, with further exploration, could one day be solved. Until then you'll have to decide for yourself!