Doc Louis


"Yes you can Mac!"
"Join the Nintendo fun club today Mac!"
"Dancing like a fly, bite like a mosquito!"
"Listen Mac! Dodge his punch then counter punch!"

Doc was a famous hitter back in 1954. Some people say he was heavyweight champion at the top of his career. Nobody knows how Doc became trainer. In the Nintendo Comic System strip "The First Fight" the first meeting between Mac and Doc is descried and how Doc becomes Little Mac`s trainer who encourages him to start a comeback after a defeat in a local gym fight.
Riding his bike while Little Mac is jogging he teaches him all skills a championship boxer has to know. The training course is located at the river side in the Bronx. On the opposite river side you can see the skyline of Southern Manhattan with the twin towers.

Daylight training sequence after the W.V.B.A. Minor Circuit Title Bout:

Training at night after Mac has won the W.V.B.A. Major Title:
