Mr. Dream - The Legendary

Ranked: King of all

Record: 99-0 99 KO 
Place of origin: Dreamland
Date of birth: ??
Weight: 235 lbs / 107 kg


"Hey! Is this kid a joke? Where's the real challenger?"
"You think the speed of your fingers can match the strength of my fists?"
"Your experience doesn't match mine. Go home and practice!"
"They say I can't lose. I say you can't win!"
"Great fighting !! You were tough, Mac! I never seen such finger speed before."

Mr. Dream was introduced by Nintendo in 1990. He is the final opponent in the NES 1990 "Punch-Out!!" cartridge. After the contract between Nintendo and Mike Tyson ran out it was not extended due to Tyson´s countless misbehaviours....
Nobody really likes him!!
For a very long time he was suspected not to be TKOed in Round 1 untill it was me in December, 24th 2001 to finish him off in the first 3 minutes. So finally it was Mr. Dream who opened up the way to TKO Mike Tyson as well in Round 1. This honour is to Daniel T. who TKOed Iron Mike on May, 7th 2002 at 2:59 R1 !!

Punch-Out!! (NES)
