Mr. Sandman - The Brown Bomber

Ranked: #1 World Circuit

Record: 27-2 21 KO 
Place of origin: Philadelphia, USA., North America
Date of birth: 1956
Weight: 284 lbs / 129 kg
Special move: Midnight Sleeper*


"Hey! Mac Baby... Say Goodnight!"
"Welcome to dreamland baby!"
"I think you're gonna have a nightmare tonight!"
"Bedtime for Little Mac!"


Mr. Sandman is a tought guy. For a long time it seemed to be impossible to finish him off in Round 1. This was changed, when I (yes, it was me) published my Round 1 TKO stategy (so far only PAL versions).
Also a lot of people do not know how to get stars from Mr. Sandman.
Mr. Sandman is one of those Punch-Out veterans that occured already at the arcade versions. But nobody really likes him, probably because he only talk bullshit between the rounds.

Mike Tyson`s Punch-Out!! (NES)
Punch-Out!! (NES)
Punch-Out!! (arcade)
Super Punch-Out!! (SNES)

