Punch-Out!! related links

First off all there is Master Phred - a PO maniac almost as crazy as I am. Visit his site often!!!

Phred`s Cool Punch-Out!! page

Mike Tyson`s Punch-Out!! message board at http://gamefaqs.com  with a lot of related infos, weird competitions and great tipps! - Home of Tysonator DanielT.

   The ultimate fan page for the Punch-Out!! and Super Punch-Out Arcade Machine Game: The Punch-Out!! Fan Page

Read more about the Valiant Nintendo comics at http://tfn.net/~qbuckley/

Do you want to know how the Punch-Out!! characters got their names ??
Then go to Anti-Filth.com for a lot of satire...

Get information about all 8-bit video games at Hoz`s 8-bit Nintendo Page  www.geocities.com/hoz14_2000/

   Punch-Out!! characters versus real life people : check it out at http://www.disflux.net/bigstu/sabpunchout.html
An Interview with Soda Popinski (adult rated): http://www.i-mockery.com/minimocks/popinski/
  Read about the latest rumor about Punch-Out!! 2 - Doc strikes back!! : http://www.i-mockery.com/minimocks/Punchout2/default.asp

            Raw language and some adult rated stuff are found at this Punch-Out!! review by Mr. Doom - click here

Vermin's Guide to Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! another seldom updated site at http://www.sickosonparade.com

Warp to Kultboy if you want to get information about classic computer scene in Europe

A little Super Punch-Out!! tutorial (basic strategies) can be found at

Famicom MTPO:

NES Center