Chuck E. Cheese's Travel Log (September 2007)
Rockford, Illinois

Satisfying his love for vintage stages, Chuck E. just had to check out Rockford's store. Here, not only did he get to watch the new shows on the rare 'Rocker' stage, he also got to see his robotic counterpart still dressed in his Pizza Time derby and vest! Chuck E. ended up staying into the night until the closing crew finally threw him out.

Seymour, Indiana

While Chuck E. was in the State of Indiana, he visited Seymour in order to partake in one of his guilty obsessions - betting on the hamster races! A good time was had, but in the end Chuck E.'s betting losses ended up costing him approximately 60 tokens. Gambling is bad kids!

Columbus, Indiana

In Columbus, Chuck E. got to spend some time playing at the local store (#670), and narrowly escaped being purchased by some kid for a measly 2000 tickets. He also learned to help the hearing impared by taking an ASL class at IUPUC, then it was time to kick back and eat dinner at Carlos Pizza!

Indianapolis, Indiana

In the capital city of Indianapolis, Chuck E. got to spend an entire day at the Children's Museum! He played with all the neat gadgets and even got edjamakated at the same time. His favorite part was checking out the 'Pong' exhibit and getting to ride that dino!

Indianapolis, Indiana

Continuing on what may become the ultimate CEC crawl, Chuck E. went to a store in the capital city and got his photos taken with the 3-stage robots!

Indianapolis, Indiana

Chuck E. also got to visit the zoo in Indianapolis. He got to see giraffes, polar bears, elephants, and even sharks! He realized how lucky he was - these animals were all pent up in enclosures, whlie he gets to travel around the country.

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