Special Events

Happy Holidays, with 12 Days of New Data!
Happy December! This month we will be having a special event for the website, it is the season of 12 Days of Data! Leading up until Christmas, every day a brand new piece of information / media will be released onto ShowBizPizza.com and our social media channels. This is our way of celebrating our brand new discord community and all of the progress the website has been undergoing this year. The type of data released is varied and comes from many sources and people, so get hyped and start counting down!
So keep checking this page for more updates and to see the daily drops! The event starts on December 13, 2023 and runs for twelve days straight, culminating on Christmas Eve! it's the only Advent Calendar you need!

Christmas Day Bonus - Pizza Time Theatre Christmas 1979!
HOLIDAY BONUS DATA! Merry Christmas! Enjoy this Christmas gift, the master recording of the original Pizza Time Theatre Christmas medley from 1979. Pasq got this from the 8 track multitracks, now mixed in stereo, perfect for listening with headphones!

Christmas Day Bonus - Final Photos of the Lynwood, WA Chuck E. Cheese Stage
Behold! The final photos of the Cyberamic 3-stage in Lynwood Washington, all packed up and ready to be sent to the CEC archives in Topeka for possible future use. Thanks to our friend Liam for the behind the scenes data!

Christmas Day Bonus - Share The Joy & Rockin Around the Christmas Tree!
HOLIDAY BONUS DATA! Thanks once again to Pasq, we have another stereo master to share - Share the Joy / Rockin Around the Christmas Tree from 1992!

Christmas Day Bonus - New Documents from ShowBiz Pizza Place, CEC, & Enchanted Castle!
HOLIDAY BONUS DATA! If you're burned out on all the amazing video and audio data drops, there's nothing quite like kicking back and doing some research by looking at data documents! Included here are some special PDF paper documents from a variety of restaurants and submitters!

Christmas Day Bonus - 5 New Shows featuring the Volo Auto Museum's Pirates!
HOLIDAY BONUS DATA! Wizzy is packing a whole sack full of data gifts today, with 5 new shows featuring the Pirates from Volo Auto Museum! Included are Boney Fingers / Rawhide, New York New York / Hooray For Hollywood / Friendship, Hello Polly / On The Road Again, Together, Wherever We Go / Mack The Knife, and The Bird Of Paradise / Five Foot Two / Charleston / That's My Polly!

Christmas Day Bonus - Holiday Party 1999 Segment 4! Big Band Santa / Holiday Medley!
HOLIDAY BONUS DATA! Thanks to our good pal Bullfrog's Banjo, we have a performance from Holiday Party 1999. It features his own personal stage performing Big Band Santa & Holiday Medley - enjoy!

Christmas Day Bonus - Ranchin’/Blue Suede Shoes (January 05 Segment 4)!
HOLIDAY BONUS DATA! Thanks to our good friend Chibi, we have a performance of Ranchin' / Blue Suede Shows from the Tinley Park, IL location. It features Chuck with his famous red Cool Chuck cap as well!

DAY #12 - Chuck E. Cheese Family Times LOST show!
Happy Day 12 of data! This song was a part of the original set list for the "Family" show tape at Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza. The Family show was released in September of 1991 and was produced by Scott Wilson. Many of the original songs in the show were centered around family. This is the only one that didn't get used in the final product of the show tape. Chuck E. Cheese's executives opted to reuse their cover of "Rhythm Of The Night" from the previous year's September show instead of Family Times, and rearrange the set list. This scrapped song was aimed at kids as a message to take care of their chores, hygiene and family all while enjoying themselves. Share the Joy 1991 is also available today! Special thanks to Pasq for helping with today’s drop.

DAY #11 - Chuck E. Cheese's Early 90s Christmas Shows
Happy day 11 of 12 days of data! Todays data drop is a trip back in time to the year 1991, with two holiday shows featuring Chuck E. Cheese and the gang - Christmas, Christmas & Christmas Countdown! Special thanks to Pasq for today's submission.

DAY #10 - Chuck E. Cheese's 3rd Quarter 1999 Video
Happy Day 10 of 12 days of data! We’re approaching the last few days so time for some heavy hitters. Todays video is a 37m long LOST CEC Entertainment Quarterly Update from 1999. This update is far less boring than the 4th Quarter Update and has a lot of interesting new footage such as a look at a prototype version of the galaxy 5000s vhs cover. Special thanks to showtimecec for helping with today’s drop.

DAY #9 - Chuck E. Cheese's March 2001 Birthday Package Training Video
Happy day 9 of 12 days of data! Todays data drop is a trip back in time to the year 2001, another training video about all the functions of the birthday package from March 2001. Special thanks to Showtimecec on Instagram for the submission.

DAY #8 - Photos of The Santa Claus Revue and Jingle Bell Jamboree!
We have some special holiday-themed photos for today from Santa's Village in Jefferson, NH. First up, are some high quality images of one of Creative Engineering's first full stage shows, the Santa Claus Revue. Seen here are some black and white promotional photos of the show, and then some images taken in 2006 as the show was being removed to make way for a re-developed version of the show.
We also have some images of the show that replaced the Santa Claus Revue - the Jingle Bell Jamboree by Advanced Animations. Seen here are some high quality images of the show, as well as some rare production art photos and installation photos. Special thanks to Hounddog Productions for helping with today's data drop!

DAY #7 - Chuck E. Cheese 2002 Birthday Training Tape!
We’re past the halfway point now on 12 Days of Data. Give it up for day 7 with a NEVER BEFORE SEEN Live Show training video for Birthday 2002 (Bake A Cake). It’s a fun little video that I’m sure everyone who went to CEC during this time period will love. Enjoy! Special thanks to Showtimecec on Instagram for the submission.

DAY #6 - Two new unused CEC audio tracks!
We’re at half time here on Day 6, bringing you two releases of audio from CEC history! Helen Henny singing Escapade from the 1993 franchise convention show, and an unused segment from the band. This day’s content was brought to you by Kevin Grossman, also known as PasqAnimatronics on YouTube. Special thanks to Scott Wilson for helping make this possible! (Shows drop at 2:00 pm Eastern Time)

DAY #5 - New CEC LIVE shows with lost pieces and a lost CEC TV News episode!
It’s day 5 now and it’s only getting better. Todays uploads are a few things from shows we’ve seen, while it’s not Strike It Up, one does feature the countdown footage used on the strike it up tape. We didn’t have these full versions before of these live shows with their countdowns and a missing intermission from Patriotic 1991 featuring Pasqually’s mom (who probably wishes Pasqually would come home).

DAY #4 - Pizza Time Theatre Guides and Memos!
For day four we have a FOUR company documents from Pizza Time Theatre! All of these are from the early 1980s and include the Pasqually Hot Line Guide, a guide for cosmetic care (featuring Artie Antlers!), an installation guide for the pop-up carousel stools used in the Cabaret, and an exerpt from the Theatrical Standards Manual regarding stage lighting revisions that's accompanied by the original memo from Mike Hatcher. A special thank you to Pikalove for helping with today's entry!

DAY #3 - Unseen Jethro P. Hogg Animatronic footage and New Volo Pirate Show audio!
For day three we have a handful of videos featuring some "lost" footage and audio. Courtesy of Hounddog Productions we have new footage of Jethro P. Hogg at NJ's Casino Pier, and courtesy of Wizzy we have "new" raw audio from the Pirates Animatronic show at Volo Auto Museum. Special thanks to today's submitters!

DAY #2 - Mony Mony (Lost CEC LIVE show)!
For day two we have a lost CEC LIVE show from the early 1990s, Mony Mony! Special thanks to Showtimecec on Instagram for the submission.

DAY #1 - Billy Bob's Bulletins!
For day one we have a double entry - two issues of the ShowBiz Pizza Place corporate newsletter titled Billy Bob's Bulletin. Issue #1 has never before been digitized or posted online, and Issue #4 has been available in a xeroxed form, but is now available in its full glory - scanned from an original copy. A special thank you to Damon at Smitty's Super Service Station for his help in today's entry!