Chuck E. Cheese's Travel Log (October 2007)
Greenwood, Indiana

Chuck E. and his pal Helen met up at the Greenwood, IN Chuck E. Cheese's to check it out and make sure everyonew as doing their job properly as per CEC standard. They had a very nice visit!

Seymore, Indiana

Since October was upon him, it almost seemed necessary to partake in a local Oktoberfest. Chuck E stuffed himself with bratwurst and other delights, and also got tanked on root beer, you know, because Chuck E is still a kid and is respectful of all alcohol laws!

Indianapolis, Indiana

A trip to Indiana wouldn't be complete without a quick stop at the capital city of Indianapolis. Dinner was had at the Hard Rock Cafe (even though "Hard Rock" music frightens Chuck E). The food was good, and the company was even better. Travel Chuck had a feeling he was gonna miss hanging out in Indy.

Firestone, Colorado

After getting some negative press about "traveling around having fun while people are dying", Chuck E decided that he would do some good on his cross-country journey and help cancer victims. That's right kiddos, sometimes you should do things to benefit others. Chuck E stayed up all night most of the night walking along the trail and passing several luminaries of those lost to cancer.

Wyoming / Colorado State Line

Chuck E admittedly had little interest in visiting Wyoming, where there are no Chuck E. Cheese stores. It was nice though to be able to walk the streets and not be recognized, etc. He stopped by the state line and got to see a herd of real live buffalo. Then it was onto his next stop!

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