ShowBiz Pizza Time, Inc. Company Documents
Corporate Documents
Found here are a random collection of company documents from the post-merger era. These documents contain information for ShowBiz Pizza Place and Chuck E. Cheese's. All of these items were used and meant for company employees (at the corporate level). Here you will find an extensive collection of documentation from the entertainment department, include rare behind the scenes production notes regarding the Yogi Bear show tested in three ShowBiz Pizza Place locations.
Company Newsletters
Found here is a collection of company newsletters entitled "Horizons". These were sent out to employees of Brock Hotel Corp, and included important information and news about their subsidiary, ShowBiz Pizza Time Inc. Also featured are franchise newsletters sent out to owners of ShowBiz and Pizza Time franchised locations.
Store Use / Employee Guides
This collection of documents were used for restaurant employees and techs. Here you will find costume manuals and other papers meant for use in ShowBiz and Chuck E. Cheese's restaurants.
Annual Reports
In 1989 ShowBiz Pizza Time, Inc. was spun-off from its parent company Integra (formerly Brock Hotel Corp) and became publicly traded. These annual reports were from the period that ShowBiz Pizza Time became in independent company.