Soda Popinski - The Russian Alcoholic


Ranked: #5 World Circuit

Record: 33-2 24 KO 
Place of origin: Moscow, U.S.S.R., Asia
Date of birth: 1952
Weight: 237 lbs / 108 kg


"After you lose, we'll drink to your health! Ha, ha, ha!"
"Would you like some punch to drink? Ha, ha, ha!"
"I drink to prepare for a fight. Tonight I am very prepared!"
"I'm going to make you feel punch drunk!"
"I can't drive, so I'm gonna walk all over you!"

Soda Popinski is also known as Vodka Drunkenski. He is famous for his excellent taste. He always is drunken and besides he has to play the role of the red Russian evil. But we do not fear him. He is one of the most liked characters. Some people say that he is an alcoholic and that the mass consumption of vodka has caused some irreperable damage inside his brain. But there is no real evidence for that. Only the colour of his skin could lead to the assumption that he should care for his health...
Soda Popinski is a serious opponent but has always a joke on his lips. This is why he laughts at the beginning of the fight and when he has won...
If you want to read what Soda Popinski has to say you should read his exclusive interview (here)

Mike Tyson`s Punch-Out!! (NES)
Punch-Out!! (NES)
Super Punch-Out!! (arcade, appears as Vodka Drunkenski)

