CheeseVention Events & Info

The Story - What is CheeseVention?

CheeseVention is the premiere fan-sponsored convention and gathering for fans of Chuck E. Cheese and ShowBiz Pizza. Since 2004, CheeseVention has been bringing together and entertaining fans of this unique hobby. For more information about CheeseVentions from years past, check out our past events page. This year CheeseVention returns to Danvers, MA - the place where CV started, for one final hurrah!

What should I do prior to attending CV?

First off, we strongly encourage all attending guests to register - this is a simple process that only takes a minute and basically lets us know that you're coming. There is no registration cost or fee to attend the event, but it is highly recommended that attendees bring some money with them for food / dinner and other possible expenses such as shows and park tickets. Also plan to bring a little extra if you want to particpate in any weekend tours and activities, as all costs will be yours to cover.

In order to get the most out of CheeseVention, it is recommended that fans arrive early and stay until the end - that way you'll be able to partake in all of the activities. General traveling information can be found on the Transportation / Hotel Info section of this site. Addresses, timelines, and an official schedule are planned to be completed a week prior to the event. Some of these might have to change due to unforseen circumstances but the dates (August 9th-11th, 2013) will not, so start planning and again be sure to register! Also make your traveling arrangements early - there are many cost cutting measures that can be taken if you plan ahead!

What is the tentative schedule of events?

Friday August 9th

Morning / Afternoon - Hotel Arrival & Check-in
Evening - Dinner at Rainforest Cafe - Burlington, MA

Saturday August 10th

Morning / Afternoon - Lunch at Danvers, MA Chuck E. Cheese's
Afternoon / Evening - CVX Official Event at Private Hall in Salem, MA

Festivities To Include:
- Special Guest Appearances
- Character Performance by Newly Restored and Animated B.B. Bubbles!
- Costumed Character Performances
- Live Auction of CEC Collectibles
- Snacks, Contests, and Fun!

Sunday August 11th

Morning - Traditional "Farewell" Breakfast at IHOP