Frequently Asked Questions
What is Radio Showbiz? Do I have to pay to listen?
Radio Showbiz is a streaming radio service provided by It originally aired from August 2005 to May 2007. We returned to the air in April 2009 and have been going strong ever since! Radio Showbiz plays music relating to ShowBiz Pizza Place, Chuck E. Cheese's, and similar family entertainment center concepts. We are an online radio station created by fans for fans. The station is broadcast through SHOUTcast and is on the air continuously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is no cost to sign up or tune in, and no special accounts are needed to access our stream - this is a FREE service offered by
Do I need to be connected to to listen to the station?
Nope! That's the beauty of Radio Showbiz - you can be tuned in while your checking out our website, surfing other sites on the net (if you're into that sort of thing), chatting with friends through a messenger service, or doing anything at all! We welcome you to tune in any time and as often as you want - it's free after all!Do I need any special software to tune in?
If you're reading this then you're currently using a browser and that's all you need to connect to our stream! The Radio Showbiz stream can be played directly from the embedded player at the top of the Radio Showbiz homepage. Other listening options that include different computer software and mobile apps can be found on our listening options page.I can't hear the broadcast - is something wrong?
This can be tricky, as there's not a one-size fits all answer to this one. There's a chance that maybe we've reached the number of simultaneous listeners we're allowed at any given time (currently 100 listeners). Though that would be a rare occasion as our station isn't exactly booming with popularity - I know right?!If you can hear the intro bumper but the stream fails to load (or is silent minus a few audio blips) it's likely that the station is temporarily down. This is something that happens outside of our control as the radio broadcasts automatically. We can usually fix this with a stream rebooting. If you find the station acting like this, please send a notification to - we will reboot the station as soon as possible, but please be patient as it may take a full 24 hours before the stream returns.
I'm looking for mp3s, where can I download them?
We have a small selection of exclusive mp3 downloads available but these are of content of our own creation. As for mp3s from the different showtapes, we do not have those available for download. The purpose of this radio streaming service is to provide fans the means of listening to and learning about the music encompassing the history of Chuck E. Cheese's from past to present. We do not allow for the downloading of mp3s because of the prospect of them being misused, for instance, someone uploading them to another service such as YouTube and monetizing them (not cool, Zeus).While we cannot prevent someone from capturing and live-recording our stream, we've taken steps to make it difficult to capture a particular song. All of our different playlists play tracks at random from a pool of tracks - even during special playlists featuring a tighter selection of material. There is no scheduled time to tune in to hear a certain song on demand. Also our station is specially designed to include a phasing in-and-out while transitioning between tracks, thus making it harder to record a clean copy of any individual track if one were record our stream.
What if I promise not to misuse the mp3s, will you send them directly to me?
No. Please read the above response.