Rock-afire Dolls
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Foreign / Related
SPP Foreign / Related Restaurants Index |
ShowBiz Pizza Place (International) - This is a list of collectables from the International ShowBiz Pizza Place location in Dubai, UAE. Contains photos, information, and estimated values.
Looney Bird's - This section contains a listing of collectables from all three Looney Bird's restaurants that once existed. Contains photos, information, and estimated values.
Billy Bob's Wonderland - This section contains various collectables from Billy Bob's Wonderland and the new Billy Bob's Super Wonderland. Contains photos, information, and estimated values.
Creative Engineering Inc. - This section contains a few collectables from Creative Engineering Inc, the company who produced the Rock-afire Explosion shows. Contains photos, information, and estimated values.
Other Related Restaurants - This is the remaining collectables known from other locations that contained the Rock-afire Explosion or were somehow related to ShowBiz Pizza Place. Contains photos, information, and estimated values.
ShowBiz does NOT have any affilition with CEC Entertainment Inc, or Creative Engineering Inc. No copyright/trademark infringement is intended. All names, characters, and references in this site are copyright/trademark their respective owners. Updates by Staff. This website is optimized for 800 x 600 screens.